
Every individual and business entity engaged in business resident or nonresident in the city is required to obtain an annual occupational license of $75.00 before commencement of business activity. This includes but is not limited to Landlords, Real Estate Agents, Food Trucks, Beauticians, and any other independent contractor. The $75 fee may be used as a credit on line 11 on the city net profit license fee return form.

General Contractors must submit to the City Clerk a list of Sub-Contractors, Name of Sub-Contractor, Mailing Address and type of contract work.

Every employer is required to deduct and withhold a payroll tax of 1.5% of all wages paid to employees for work performed in the city. Tax must be paid to the city on a quarterly basis, an annual reconciliation of tax withheld must be filed with the city at the end of each calendar year.

Every individual and business entity engaged in any business, resident or nonresident shall submit a copy of their federal income tax return including all supporting statements and schedules at the time of filing the return. The tax shall be calculated by 1.5% percent of profit earnings within the city. The net profit license fee is due the 15th day of April. Every person or business entity engaged in any business for profit that is required to make a filing with the Internal Revenue Service or the Kentucky Revenue Cabinet shall be required to file and pay to the city a net profits on business conducted in the city, and shall pay $ 75.00 dollars, or taxes due whichever is greater.  Note: The $75 occupational license fee may be used as a credit on line 11 on the city net profit license fee return form and counts as the $ 75 mininum fee due.   

The city may grant an individual or business entity an extension of not more than six (6) months, unless a longer extension has been granted by the Internal Revenue Service. An extension form must be submitted along with payment of estimated tax due when extension is filed. For all taxes unpaid at the time the extension is filed penalty and interest will be applied. A fraction of a month will be counted as an entire month. Penalty minimum is $ 25.00 or 5% per month not to exceed 25%. Interest is 1 % per month. The extension return is due the 15th day of the 10th month.

If you have additional questions please contact the City Offices at 859-987-2110.